niedziela, 24 lutego 2013


  • Don’t talk about yourself the whole time. People have a tendency to talk about themselves too much, especially when they are nervous. If you feel like you need to say something, ask a question instead. Remember to listen as much as you speak.
  • Try not to compare her with other girls you have been on dates with, even in your mind.
  • Don’t talk about dates you have had with other people, especially on a first date. You can find better, kinder things to talk about.
  • If you want to show a girl how much she means to you, really spend some time getting ready for a date. All-out date activities are not just cute, but show your date if you really did spend the afternoon preparing things for the date.
  • If you know her birthday, maybe you could bring her a gift card for her favorite store (it doesn't have to be a lot of money; she'll appreciate it just the same) or that new scarf you've heard her talking about with her friends. Just the fact that you 1) remembered her birthday and 2) brought her a gift will make you stick out as a sweet guy in her mind.
  • Using good manners helps to make her notice you. For example, open doors for her and pull a chair out for her to sit (or the whole "laying your jacket over a puddle" thing). If you're just getting to know her, more subtle manners will help you. You don't want to creep her out by randomly pulling out her chair in the cafeteria if she barely knows you! And when you do this, don't stand there grinning and waiting for her to thank you profusely. Pull out her chair, let her get seated, and then go sit down. Open the door for her, continue listening if she's talking, and come in after her. Continue with what you were doing. If she does thank you, just nod and smile or say "My pleasure." No big deal.
  • Remember that if she doesn’t fall for you, it's not a failure; you will learn more about yourself and eventually you will find the woman you are meant to be with. There is no perfect way to get every woman to like you. But as you become a better person, you will find you attract more people to you.
  • Remember, the girl you fancy is not a trophy to be won or just a goal to achieve; you are finding out if your relationship will work for your whole life. If you both go into a relationship like that, whatever happens will be best for both of you.
  • Take the the lead in your courtship. For example, initiate the date, decide what to do during the date and decide when to end the date. This reduces the chances of relationship failure or rejection of you later.
  • Understand that it's an urban myth that most girls like "bad boys" best. Many girls love a sweet guy, rather than the jerk who only likes them for looks. If you try to be a sweet rather than "bad" guy, you will have longer lasting relationships that are strong, too!
  • A girl likes a guy who is true to himself. It shows that he isn't fake and that he will most likely not be playing her. Pretending to conform to an image in an attempt to impress her will instead make it more difficult for her to trust you when she finds out, which will happen eventually.
  • As you approach her don't point your body towards her she will see this as you being needy.
  • Don't be afraid to smile. Even if you don't have much of a smile, it will make you seem down-to-earth and friendly. A calm smile will make you more approachable, especially if you're just getting to know her.
  • Be honest. Never lie to a girl just to impress her.
  • To get girls online, you need your post high school education course information and one useful personal interest, or two to three useful personal interests or hobbies written in you own words. To be able to call a girl at will to your place, you need to improve the quality of your work and property, and have your business or career already running.

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